Beginner at code. Determined to be the best.
Here are some of my projects!
A basic landing page developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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A to do web application. JavaScript enabled, and Firebase for backend.
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A rock, paper, or scissors game with score-counter utilizing ES6 JavaScript. Updates coming soon.
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Completely custom made website using Tailwind:CSS and JavaScript for a motorcycle community group.
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Based on the Old School RuneScape Website, compliments to JaGeX, I created a clone replica using HTML and CSS.
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Like Indeed Jobs, but for developers! This project utilizes more JavaScript!
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A list of JavaScript challenges to expand my knowledge of JS where I created a Blackjack game!
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Using Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, Firestore, and FireBase to create an upgraded Amazon clone
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A fully functioning landing page from Frontend Mentor - Sunnyside. This website utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is mobile-friendly!
Visit WebsiteI am tackling Frontend Mentor, here are my solutions!
A perfect project for newbies who are starting to build confidence with layouts!
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This is a great small challenge to help get you used to building to a design. There's no JS in this project, so you'll be able to focus on your HTML & CSS skills.
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This challenge is perfect if you're just getting started. The shift between the layouts will be a nice test if you're new to building responsive projects.
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This is a perfect challenge to test your layout skills. The card layout doesn't shift, so it's also great for those that haven't dived into responsive websites yet!
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In this challenge, you'll be building out an FAQ accordion. This is an extremely common front-end pattern, so it's a great opportunity to get some practice in!
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This project will test your layout skills. If you're starting to get confident with Flexbox or Grid, this will provide a nice challenge!
Visit WebsiteI am a self taught programmer who started with MSL a long time ago. Recently, I have educated myself and others the basics remotely on: